My family swears by Mogi Mogi oatmeal bath soak. It seriously changed our lives%21 Our son had eczema so bad.. he would be scratching himself while he slept at only a few years old.. we tried everything over the counter and prescriptions .. I heard another mom suggest this company on a mom site and tried it and from that point everything changed%21%21 No more eczema.. no more flare ups%21%21 My daughter never had an issue at all because she’s only been bathed with Mogi Mogi%21we tried the oil and it really helps after bath%2Fshowers to seal in the moisture ..we had a follow up dermatologist appointment and she even asked what my son was using as she noticed the difference. We are Mogi mogi’s %23 1 fans and are so grateful that the founder of this company is sharing her products with all of us%21%21 Life changing%21%21